High Five for BOS

The BOS Awareness Campaign 2016

Give a HIGH FIVE for Bohring-Opitz Syndrome! We are excited to celebrate that the Bohring-Opitz Syndrome (BOS) Support Group will be five years old on APRIL 6th, the international BOS Awareness Day!

This initiative is creating a worldwide virtual high five chain in support of children with Bohring-Opitz Syndrome and their families for Awareness Day April 6th, and we need your help!

profile picture BOS high 5
BOS high 5 fb banner 4

Stay informed

If you want to keep up with the latest developments regarding to Bohring-Opitz Syndrome we offer a number of ways to do so: Feel free to sign up below or follow us for regular updates on Facebook and Twitter.


5th Anniversary!

5 years ago on April 6th 2011 the first support group for children with Bohring-Opitz Syndrome and their families and friends were created! We are proud that parents and caregivers from all over the world come together to share important information on our Facebook forum. We are so thankful for 5 years parent to parent support!